Company Directory
CANMORE OFFICE : 403 678 6162
CALGARY OFFICE : 403 454 3050
Please click on the relevant department below:
Becki Brouwer | 403-678-6162 ext 252 | becki@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate /Executive Assistant to Gibson Rencz |
Candace Evans | 403-454-3050 ext 339 | bvadmin@peka.ca | Condominium Administrator |
Anthony Formela | 403-678-6162 ext 244 | anthony@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Kassie Krakenberg | 403-678-6162 ext 263 | kassie@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Diana Livsey | 403-678-6162 ext 268 | diana@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Hitendar Lala | 403-454-3050 ext 324 | hitendar@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Courtney Keating-McDonald | 403-454-3050 ext 352 | courtney@peka.ca | Condominium Associate |
Jan Pedersen-Diggins | 403-678-6162 ext 260 | jan@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Sally Reid | 403-678-6162 ext 227 | assist@peka.ca | Condominium Administrator |
Gibson Rencz | 403-678-6162 ext 223 | gibson@peka.ca | Partner/Condominium Broker/ Licensed Condominium Associate |
Grant Becker | 403-454-3050 ext 328 | grant@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Beatriz Meirelles | 403-678-6162 ext 236 | assistcondo@peka.ca | Condominium Administrator |
Randi Crittenden | 403-454-3050 ext 271 | condosupport@peka.ca | Condominium Administrator |
Anastasiia Tkachenko | 403-678-6162 ext 273 | condoadmincanmore@peka.ca | Condominium Administrator |
Tashi Chozom | 403-678-6162 ext 270 | tashi@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Shirley Mattreck | 403-454-3050 ext 351 | shirley@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Francesca Tocco | 403-454-3050 ext 332 | francesca@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Irmina Karpis | 403-454-3050 ext329 | irmina@peka.ca | Licensed Condominium Associate |
Brendan Farrell | 403-678-6162 ext 226 | brendan@peka.ca | Condominium Associate |
Heather Fennell | 403-454-3050 ext 321 | condocalgary@peka.ca | Condominium Administrator |
Ashley Hayhow | 403-678-6162 ext 247 | ashley@peka.ca | Licensed Associate |
Danielle Reece | 403-678-6162 ext 264 | danielle@peka.ca | Rental Trust Administrator |
Daniel Fitzpatrick | 403-678-6162 ext 237 | danielF@peka.ca | Rental Trust Administrator |
Hannah Schneider | 403-678-6162 ext 243 | rent@peka.ca | Rental Trust Administrator |
Heather Walker | 403-678-6162 ext 259 | heather@peka.ca | Licensed Associate/Partner |
Jessica Springstead | 403-678-6162 ext 229 | jess@peka.ca | Licensed Associate |
Juans (Juanita) Daniels | 403-678-6162 ext 272 | juans@peka.ca | Executive Assistant to Mark Walker |
Lee Dicken | 403-678-6162 ext 233 | lee@peka.ca | Associate Broker/Licensed Associate |
Mark Walker | 403-678-6162 ext 242 | mark@peka.ca | Partner/Rental Broker/Rental Trust Manager |
Ray Langlois | 403-678-6162 ext 230 | ray@peka.ca | Licensed Associate |
Tammy Bates | 403-454-3050 ext 328 | ap@peka.ca | Accounts Payable Condominium |
Ann Haagaard | 403-678-6162 ext 250 | ar@peka.ca | Accounts Receivable Condominium (Bow Valley) |
Dorrit Hoff | 403-454-3050 ext 344 | arcalgary@peka.ca | Accounts Receivable Condominium (Southern Alberta) |
Kimberley Latvala | 403-678-6162 ext 269 | accountsassist@peka.ca | Residential Accounts Assistant |
Tatenda Sitotombe | 403-454-3050 ext 249 | accounts@peka.ca | Residential Accounts Manager |
Jim Sykes | 403-678-6162 ext 225 | accountsmgr@peka.ca | Accounts Manager |
Sonia Sheehan | 403-454-3050 ext 342 | receivables@peka.ca | Accounts Receivable Condominium (Bow Valley) |
Mary Vickers | 403-454-3050 ext 322 | maryv@peka.ca | Invoices Payable |
Robb Brouwer | 403-454-3050 ext 252 | robb@peka.ca | Invoice Administrator |
Tonia Knowles | 403-678-6162 | On Maternity Leave | |
Robert Palmai | 403-678-6162 ext 261 | estoppels@peka.ca | Estoppel Administrator |
Danielle Dorotich | 403-454-3050 ext 331 | service@peka.ca | Southern Alberta Reception Administrator |
Cleo (Clayo) Arana | 403-678-6162 ext 221 | info@peka.ca | Canmore Reception Administrator |
Jenna Rencz | 403-678-6162 ext 231 | jenna@peka.ca | Corporate Manager/Partner |
Tiffany Stevens | 403-678-6162 ext 232 | tiffany@peka.ca | PEKA Corporate Accounts Manager |